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百个党史微故事82 | 学生党员杨志芳为您推荐《“半截皮带” 的故事》
发布时间:2021-06-11     作者:   分享到:



《“半截皮带” 的故事》








The Story of “Half of the Belt”


In July 1936, soldiers in the 8th Company, the 274 Regiment, the 93rd Division, the 31st Army of the Red Fourth Front Army (now the 4th Company of this Brigade) and their fraternal forces began to cross the marshy grassland for the third time. However, not long after entering the grassland, the soldiers fell into the predicament of running out of food, and thus they had to dig wild vegetables and chew grass roots. Some soldiers even thought of eating cowhide belts to tackle this problem.



After the belts of the other six soldiers in the class were all eaten, Zhou Guangcai, a 14-year-old soldier, had to take out his belt. Seeing a section of his beloved belt being cut off into pieces and floating in the watery soup, Zhou Guangcai clenched the remaining half of the belt tightly and said to his comrades with tears: "I'm not going to eat it! Comrades, let's save it as a commemoration, and take it to Yan'an to meet Chairman Mao!" In this way, with the longing for the victory of the revolution, everyone endured hunger and kept the remaining half of the belt.



On the ensuing Long March, Zhou Guangcai's six fellow comrades in the same class died one after another, and only he arrived in Yan'an with the Red Fourth Front Army. He burnt these words "Long March " on the back of the remaining belt and wrapped it in red silk to commemorate the memorable years.